A state ballot initiative in California with big implications for the nation’s food system has seen massive opposition by industrial agricultural corporations in the final weeks, and an infusion of nearly $46 million dollars may just be enough to thwart the grassroots effort demanding that consumers get the right to know exactly what’s in the food they’re buying.

“A growing body of research links GMO foods to potential health risks,” writes Zack Kaldveer of the Yes on 1 campaign in California, which is leading the charge to label all foods that contain genetically modified food in the state.
Though Kaldveer says that “poll after poll showed 90% of Americans (and Californians) favored labeling foods that have been genetically engineered (GMOs),” a recent campaign push by the The No on 37 campaign—whose two largest contributors are pesticide giants Monsanto ($8.1 million) and Dupont ($5.4 million)—has not only narrowed a two to one advantage by the Yes Campaign, but is now leading in some state polling.
Read the whole article online at CommonDreams.org