Suddenly, it seems, everyone’s talking about what’s wrong with processed and genetically engineered (GE) food. The New York Times published an in-depth exposé last week revealing decades of science experiments conducted by junk food companies that have spent millions to make us all, including and especially our kids, junk food addicts. Yesterday, a report called […]
Sustainable Farming
What Schmucks! Santa Cruz Organic Might Contain GMOs?
By admin in Environmental Justice, Featured Homepage Items, Sustainable Farming
TAKE ACTION: Boycott Smuckers, R.W. Knudsen and Santa Cruz Organic! That Santa Cruz Organic© applesauce and peanut butter you’re feeding your kids? Although by law they can’t contain genetically engineered ingredients, they might contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs), according to a Santa Cruz customer service representative. The profoundly misinformed rep also wrongly told us that […]
Monsanto: Patents on Life?
By admin in Environmental Justice, Featured Homepage Items, Sustainable Farming
It’s time we ask ourselves: How long will we tolerate the growing monopolization and genetic engineering of seeds by an aggressive cabal of chemical and pesticide corporations who pose a deadly threat to our health, our environment and the future of our food? And when does “how long” become “too late?” Last week, the U.S. […]
Drive to Label GMO Food Battered by Industry’s Big Bucks
By admin in Environmental Justice, Featured Homepage Items, Sustainable Farming
A state ballot initiative in California with big implications for the nation’s food system has seen massive opposition by industrial agricultural corporations in the final weeks, and an infusion of nearly $46 million dollars may just be enough to thwart the grassroots effort demanding that consumers get the right to know exactly what’s in the […]
Russia suspends import and use of American GM Corn
By admin in Environmental Justice, Featured Homepage Items, Sustainable Farming
The European Food Safety Authority orders review in to the research, conducted at a French university Russia’s decision could be followed by other nations Experts at the University of Caen conducted an experiment running for the full lives of rats – two years The findings found raised levels of breast cancer, liver […]
A Mouse Called Freedom
By admin in Dogwood Farm, Uncategorized
It was time to clean the hen house. I grabbed a sack of pine wood shavings and an oversize trash bag from the run- in, the wide shovel and my gloves. After bagging up all the old shavings, wet from water and hen droppings, I began to shake new bedding onto the floor. Before I […]