7:20:am – 7:40 am 2/2/02 Much is said about something that is itself without shape. While shapes can be contained in it, it itself is more akin to an emptiness that is emodied, than an emodiement of something material. While both the material and immaterial are always in a process of congregation and dissolution, one […]
Listening Writings
Death #31
By admin in Listening Writings
9:00 am 2/21/02 You ask about a mystery we are seldom to speak of. Not that we can’t tell you what you want to know, the challenge is to do so in a way you will hear. Death is not loss, it is in fact gain. The loss is when the life is not appreciated. […]
Hardship #38
By admin in Listening Writings
4/3/02 8:20 pm There is no one answer for hardship. It comes from what one has done. It is with purpose, it is the reflexive response to past actions, past words, and past thoughts. We summon our own hardship both individually and collectively. Sometimes wisdom allows us to see its originating cause, more often, we […]
By admin in Listening Writings
5:20 am 1/17/02 When the light travels from the cosmic space into interplanetary space and hence in the cerebellum, all things are united by electrical processes, lightening in the sky, currents in the oceans, nerve action in the body. When there are these upper atmospheric tests and oceanic tests utilizing frequencies, it is upsetting the […]
By admin in Listening Writings
1/21/02 6:50 am – 7:15 am Love. It is so poorly understood. Love is a power that is unique to creation. It is a formative force. There are still parts of the world where love is understood. In the west there is an effort to measure it. At least this is guiding humans to its […]
Care #18
By admin in Listening Writings
2/4/02 7:15 am- 7:20 It is not a question of doing what must be done, it is always a question of how one does things. What kind of clarity, How much focus, How much effort, how much regard. Rushing to do anything is not helpful though there are times life calls for it. Instead one […]
Authority #21
By admin in Listening Writings
2/9/02 9am -9:15 From where does anyone derive authority? While it may appear it is given by conditions, by those we are surrounded by in life, in fact, authority comes from the inner will of the person given the energy to conduct. It is not, as assumed simply the result of human collaboration and concurrence. […]
Fluid Force – Gentle Force #17
By admin in Listening Writings
2/3/02 9:50 am – 10:10 am Fluidity is used to express liquid in motion. Motion is not just a sequence of range of movement, it is inherent in life. Motion describes the inner essence stripping off its outer sheathe. As life moves towards its revelation, people sense the transformation of matter or consciousness, but they […]
By admin in Listening Writings
Fear is an enormous problem on earth. It is easy to inspire fear. It is much more difficult to inspire awe. Fear is at first a visceral response. It is the result of brain chemicals responding to information. It is nothing more than that. A neurochemcial action. This is why it is animalistic. It occurs […]
Attributes #28
By admin in Listening Writings
2/16/02 When we speak of attributes, of course we refer to qualities. But we also refer to possessions. Not in a physical way but an incarnational. After a soul lives in the material realm and returns to its essential nature, it brings back with it from its temporary journey into density, qualities that are now […]
Elegance #32
By admin in Listening Writings
2/25/02 9:45 pm Elegance is as much a harmony, as it is a structure. Elegance is a balance of inner beauty and outer order, inner order and outer beauty. Elegance connotes entrainment that is consistent. It shows itself in the way it stands or moves, its composition being beautifully comported. Elegance of heart shows itself […]
Sincerity #36
By admin in Listening Writings
3/5/02 7:50-8:00 am It is not often that one can say they are sincere and mean it. Often the saying is to convince oneself that this is so. Sincerity is a type of heart nature. It is not mental at all, though it has become a process of mental clarification. Sincerity is a direct knowing, […]