Zohara Hieronimus – The Patterns We Buy Into Is How We Live Our Lives Show Highlights: – Is it Selfish or Selfless? Spinning fear and love to control people – Prayer at a distance; what is the most effective prayer to say?; ‘Thy will be done’ may be the most powerful – All of us […]
Featured Homepage Items
Sign the 350.org Unity Letter to President to Reject Keystone XL
By admin in Environmental Justice, Featured Homepage Items, Take Action Tags: Keystone XL pipeline
Sign the letter online The long and worthy fight over the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline is at an end, and the time for a decision draws near. We appreciate your veto of the congressional bill, and we fully support an outright rejection of the permit. We have followed the question of Keystone XL’s impact […]
Pass the 2015 Pollinator Protection Act! Please Support Labeling & Restricting Bee-Killing Pesticides in Maryland
By admin in Environmental Justice, Featured Homepage Items, Take Action Tags: bees, environmental issues, food safety, pesticides, sustainable farming
The growing and widespread use of toxic neonicotinoid pesticides (“neonics”) is a major contributor to the alarming decline of honey bees. This poses a serious threat to our food supply, to wildlife and to human health. We need to pass the 2015 Pollinator Protection Act (SB163/HB605) to label nursery plants treated with toxic, bee-killing pesticides and restrict their consumer use.
Beekeepers have reported average hive losses of 30 percent or higher each year since 2006; in 2012, Maryland beekeepers lost nearly 50 percent of their hives. These numbers are simply not sustainable.
“Death Economy” Goes Global
By admin in Featured Homepage Items, Uncategorized Tags: death economy, environmental issues, John Perkins, Social Justice
When Zohara interviewed John Perkins on 9/23/12, she shared with him the terms she coined almost two decades ago for our situation planet wide, the current Death Economy versus the Life Economy we need to create. During that conversation Zoh suggested to John that he run with it as a banner to the world’s people, given […]
Which U.S. states have the most endangered species?
By admin in Environmental Justice, Featured Homepage Items
Here’s a graphical glimpse at America’s most endangered wildlife, where they live and how many are left. When U.S. lawmakers passed the Endangered Species Act in 1973, many of North America’s most iconic plants and animals were teetering on the brink of extinction. Some of those have since rebounded thanks to three decades of federal […]
10 cities aiming for 100 percent clean energy
By admin in Environmental Justice, Featured Homepage Items
As nation states delay, these cities have ambitious renewable energy goals.
Scientists have been fairly unequivocal in their warnings that we must ditch fossil fuels entirely if we are to have any hope of reversing climate change. Yet despite significant progress in the last year, historic announcements like the China-U.S. climate pact are still pushing a less ambitious, more incremental approach to cutting our emissions.That may be why many activists are focusing on the local, community level to push a more radical approach. As I recently reported over at TreeHugger, a new grassroots movement has launched petitions in hundreds of cities across the world calling for a transition to 100 percent renewable energy/zero emissions by 2050 at the latest. While this may have sounded like wishful thinking a few short years ago, these activists are actually building on a growing number of communities that have already taken such pledges — and some who appear to have achieved them.
So who are these leaders in the clean energy world?
Zoh interviewed on Future Human by Judy Rosenburg
By admin in Featured Homepage Items, The Future of Human Experience, Zoh's Books Tags: future human, future of human experience
Zoh talks about her new book The Future of Human Experience with Dr. Judy including: the human body as vehicle of the soul, biodynamic farming, the most effective prayer we can use and more. Listen online for free.
Zohara interviewed by Philip Comella about her book, The Future of Human Experience
By admin in Featured Homepage Items, The Future of Human Experience, Zoh in the Media Tags: future human, future of human experience, Phillip Comella, radio interview
October 8, 2014 Discussion includes: how we influence the material world with our thoughts, words and actions how Western Materialist views limit our options for survival as a planet will human souls be entrapped in mechanistic technologies like nanotechnologies or will humanity re-learn their ability to heal themselves through prayer/mediation?
Support the White Bison Association
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www.WhiteBisonAssociation.com follow the link and click on Store – look for their Buffalo blankets
EPA knew pesticides were killing honeybees in the 1970s but punished those who spoke out
By admin in Environmental Justice, Featured Homepage Items, Sustainable Farming Tags: bees, environmental issues, EPA, food safety, glyphosate
Reprinted from AHPA News September 26, 2014. By J. D. Heyes For decades, top officials at the Environmental Protection Agency (PEA) were aware that a compound approved for agricultural use in the United States was wiping out the honeybee population, but they chose to ignore the compound’s effects in deference to pressure from agri-giant corporations. […]
Earth may have underground ‘ocean’ three times that on surface
By admin in Featured Homepage Items Tags: earth science, environmental issues
After decades of searching scientists have discovered that a vast reservoir of water, enough to fill the Earth’s oceans three times over, may be trapped hundreds of miles beneath the surface, potentially transforming our understanding of how the planet was formed.
The water is locked up in a mineral called ringwoodite about 660km (400 miles) beneath the crust of the Earth, researchers say. Geophysicist Steve Jacobsen from Northwestern University in the US co-authored the study published in the journal Science and said the discovery suggested Earth’s water may have come from within, driven to the surface by geological activity, rather than being deposited by icy comets hitting the forming planet as held by the prevailing theories.
Help Save the Bees!
By admin in Environmental Justice, Featured Homepage Items, Sustainable Farming, Take Action Tags: bees, environmental issues, food safety, sustainable farming
Scientists know what’s killing our bees and putting our food supply at risk: An insecticide called “neonics.” But one Big Ag giant has actually asked the EPA to let it use up to 4,000% MORE of this deadly toxin! This could cripple our food supply! The EPA is taking public comments on this issue until […]
16 US states at High Earthquake Risk
By admin in Featured Homepage Items Tags: earthquakes, east coast, environmental issues, USGS
Updates to the recent US geological survey show that certain areas face a higher threat of earthquakes than previously thought.
“USGS earthquake science is vital because you can’t plan for earthquakes if you don’t know what you are planning for,” said Mark Petersen, chief of the USGS National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project, in a statement. “Our nation’s population and exposure to large earthquakes has grown tremendously in recent years. The cost of inaction in planning for future earthquakes and other natural disasters can be very high, as demonstrated by several recent damaging events across the globe.
Read more…
Welcome to Dogwood Farm’s 2014 Organic Garden
By admin in Dogwood Farm, Featured Homepage Items, Sustainable Farming Tags: Dogwood Farm, organic farming, sustainable farming
Our size-able garden on Dogwood Farm first grew out of a meditation I had in 2008, which showed me the importance of growing more than a back door garden patch, something I had always maintained.
Why? Simply to see what it would take to be somewhat more self-sufficient. The answer, of course, as any gardener knows, or farmers who have lived for millennium working the earth know: it takes a lot of labor, determination, dedication, consistency, humility and energy — not to mention financial resources — to create a thriving garden.
We created ten raised beds measuring 4×10 feet each made from felled trees on our 40-acre property. These make it possible to tend from both sides without having to walk into the beds themselves. The garden is actually a shade garden, having only six hours of sun a day, so over the years it has taken experimentation to learn what thrives and what does not.
Split rail fencing topped by colored flags usually seen in used car lots seem to dissuade most deer from jumping in to banquet on our garden. They made it over only once this summer, despite not posting our alien-headed scarecrow in the middle this year.
Excerpt of Future of Human Experience featured online in New Connexions
By admin in Featured Homepage Items, The Future of Human Experience, Uncategorized, Zoh in the Media, Zoh's Books Tags: future human, future of human experience, nonlocal
Possibilities: Imagining a Better Future by J. Zohara Meyerhoff Hieronimus
John Petersen is a professional futurist who says you can’t predict the future. Instead “what can be accomplished is to create possible or probable scenarios and to account for as many contingencies as possible.”
Petersen’s Arlington Institute helps military and other government institutions and corporations do just that. His book Out of the Blue: Wild Cards and Other Big Future Surprises presents a dizzying array of 84 possibilities of things that could happen in our near and distant future. In creating a database to examine what our future could be like, Petersen ranked the impact any one change in society or our environment might have. He rates the length of time its impact will last and to what degree it is capable of altering the life of the individual, a certain societal sector or society overall.
Lady Liberty, Senate Sisterhood & Future of Human Experience – Zoh on Voices of the Sacred Feminine with Karen Tate
By admin in Featured Homepage Items, The Future of Human Experience, Zoh in the Media Tags: future human, future of human experience, Karen Tate, Voices of the Sacred Feminine
Online Culture Radio at Blog Talk Radio with Karen Tate on BlogTalkRadio Returning to Voices of the Sacred Feminine with Karen Tate was Zohara Hieronimus, author, radio show host, social justice and environmental activist discussing Lady Liberty, the Senate Sisterhood and her newest book, Future of Human Experience which has her sharing predictions from interviews with […]
We are the Soil
By admin in Environmental Justice, Featured Homepage Items Tags: anti-GMO, environmental issues, food safety, Social Justice, sustainable farming
The claim that the Green Revolution or genetic engineering feeds the world is false. Intrinsic to these technologies are monocultures based on chemical inputs, a recipe for killing the life of the soil.
We are made up of the same five elements — earth, water, fire, air and space — that constitute the Universe. We are the soil. We are the earth. What we do to the soil, we do to ourselves. And it is no accident that the words “humus” and “humans” have the same roots.
This ecological truth is forgotten in the dominant paradigm because it is based on eco-apartheid, the false idea that we are separate and independent of the earth and also because it defines soil as dead matter. If soil is dead to begin with, human action cannot destroy its life. It can only “improve” the soil with chemical fertilisers. And if we are the masters and conquerors of the soil, we determine the fate of the soil. Soil cannot determine our fate.
History, however, is witness to the fact that the fate of societies and civilisations is intimately connected to how we treat the soil — do we relate to the soil through the Law of Return or through the Law of Exploitation and Extraction.
The Law of Return — of giving back — has ensured that societies create and maintain fertile soil and can be supported by living soil over thousands of years. The Law of Exploitation — of taking without giving back — has led to the collapse of civilisations.
Contemporary societies across the world stand on the verge of collapse as soils are eroded, degraded, poisoned, buried under concrete and deprived of life. Industrial agriculture, based on a mechanistic paradigm and use of fossil fuels has created ignorance and blindness to the living processes that create a living soil. Instead of focusing on the Soil Food Web, it has been obsessed with external inputs of chemical fertilisers — what Sir Albert Howard called the NPK mentality. Biology and life have been replaced with chemistry.
External inputs and mechanisation are imperative for monocultures. By exposing the soil to wind, sun and rain, monocultures expose the soil to erosion by wind and water.
Monsanto, Factory Farms, Climate Change and You
By admin in Environmental Justice, Featured Homepage Items, Uncategorized Tags: anti-GMO, GMO, Monsanto, Social Justice, sustainable farming
Monsanto loves to claim that its GMO crops are needed to feed the world.
But what the Gene Giants don’t want you to remember is that the chemicals they sully our food, soil, air and water with were originally developed to make bombs.
When the Big War ended, in order to keep the profits rolling in, Monsanto convinced farmers that the only way to grow food is Monsanto’s way—with GMO crops, and millions of tons of toxic chemicals.
Fast-forward to today, and the impact of Monsanto’s GMO crops can be measured in terms of degraded soil, nutrient-deficient foods, billions of sick animals on factory farms, an increasingly obese and chronically ill human population and, last but surely not least, global warming.
And we can all agree that if global warming, with its droughts and storms, continues unabated, farms and food are in trouble.
Up against multi-billion dollar corporations, what can one consumer do? Start by avoiding not only GMO-tainted foods, but all meat, eggs and dairy from factory farms. Because most GMO grains go to feed animals in factory farms, or what the industry calls CAFOs (Confined Animal Feeding Operations).
We can’t turn global warming around solely by transitioning away from fossil fuels. But we can turn it around by using nature’s natural ability to return all that carbon to the soil. And we can only do that if we abandon the factory farm model and return to sustainable, organic farming and ranching practices.
Zoh and The Future of Human Experience at Breathe Books
By admin in Featured Homepage Items, The Future of Human Experience, Zoh's Talks in Town Tags: Book Signing, Breathe Books, future human, future of human experience, IONS, nonlocal, Prayer
An adventure in ideas and solutions for planet Earth’s great challenges, Zoh Hieronimus discussed how we each shape the future today, and why prayer, right intention, and collective will can transform even the forces of nature. Her new book The Future of Human Experience: Visionary Thinkers on the Science of Consciousness (2013) explores the body of the world, the mind of the world, and the soul of the world. Self-management, Zoh shares, is as important as international agreements. We are enfolded in the world, and also, the world unfolds from us.
Baltimore Friends of IONS: The Future Of Human Experience: Visionary Thinkers on the Science of Consciousness sponsored the event.
The Impossibility of Growth Demands a New Economic System
By admin in Environmental Justice, Featured Homepage Items Tags: environmental issues, oil and gas
Let us imagine that in 3030BC the total possessions of the people of Egypt filled one cubic metre. Let us propose that these possessions grew by 4.5% a year. How big would that stash have been by the Battle of Actium in 30BC? This is the calculation performed by the investment banker Jeremy Grantham(1).The trajectory of compound growth shows that the scouring of the planet has only just begun. We simply can’t go on this way.
Go on, take a guess. Ten times the size of the pyramids? All the sand in the Sahara? The Atlantic ocean? The volume of the planet? A little more? It’s 2.5 billion billion solar systems(2). It does not take you long, pondering this outcome, to reach the paradoxical position that salvation lies in collapse.
To succeed is to destroy ourselves. To fail is to destroy ourselves. That is the bind we have created. Ignore if you must climate change, biodiversity collapse, the depletion of water, soil, minerals, oil; even if all these issues were miraculously to vanish, the mathematics of compound growth make continuity impossible.