The sages teach that the world began with prayer. Until God and Adam communicated there was no fulfillment of Adam’s needs for survival and glorifying God. In fact, God’s created universe stood waiting for humanity’s birth on the sixth day. Only after Adam prayed for rain did the earth come forth with its bounty. Prayer […]
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Kabbalistic Teachings of the Female Prophets, The Seven Holy Women of Ancient Israel,
By admin in Kabbalistic Teachings of the Female Prophets, Zoh's Books Tags: illumination, initiation, Kabbalah, Kabbalistic
The spiritual teachings of Israel’s biblical prophetesses from a kabbalistic perspective: – Explores the lives and symbolic significance of seven female prophets: Sarah, Miriam, Devorah, Chanah, Avigail, Chuldah, and Esther – Uses the gematria of Jewish metaphysics to demonstrate that prophecy is a mystical initiatory path by which Divine Will is made known, not only […]
Zoh and the Director, Dr. Sally R. Wagner,Ph.d. of the Matilda Joseyln Gage Museum
By admin in People and Places
Zoh and John Sebastian at the Visionary Arts Museum
By admin in People and Places
Sanctuary of the Divine Presence – Hebraic Teachings on Initiation and Illumination
By admin in Sanctuary of the Divine Presence, Zoh's Books
About Sanctuary of the Divine Presence Learn more or pre-order a copy Kabbalistic initiatory teachings for becoming a vessel for illumination, prophecy, and peace by creating an inner dwelling place for God’s divine presence • Reveals practices for self mastery and revelation based on the holy design of the first Hebrew Sanctuary, the lives of […]
A flying cow in NYC
By admin in Uncategorized
I was sitting across the street from this image in mid-town NYC. I was so taken with its state of decay against the beautiful yellow wall, which seemed quite delicate to me. A flying cow I thought to myself or a flying dog – Mercury? Likely some common, seemingly Japanese cartoon image I am unfamiliar […]
Zoh and her pals
By admin in Uncategorized
Here we are on Dog Wood Farm getting ready to go for a drive. The dogs are a little restless here, anxious to get on the road. They love to travel and they go everywhere with me, even to the grocery store.
Esoteric Impressions of Degas – Other Worldly Photographs
In 1999, 104 years after the Impressionist painter Edgar Degas used a camera to create forty or so photographs, they went on public display. Degas, we learn, saw these works as experiments and explorations of a medium new to the world in general, and to the artist in particular. He never showed them publicly and […]
Teachings of Prophecy and Peace: Spiritual Health and Healing
By admin in Spiritual Healing, Spiritual Practice
(Summary of a talk given to the Spiritus Society in 2009) by Zohara M. Hieronimus In the ancient teachings of Judaism, there are complete records of the phenomenology of coming to union with the Creator, as well as teachings on spiritual health and healing. What one discovers in them is that union with God, and […]
The Loudness Factor
By admin in Uncategorized
Does anyone else notice how loud life has gotten? Given that I am hard of hearing, you might think noise would not be an issue. There are all kinds of noises. There are the literal sounds we hear at home, of people talking, of dogs barking, of water flowing. There are noises that frighten us, […]
A Mouse Called Freedom
By admin in Dogwood Farm, Uncategorized
It was time to clean the hen house. I grabbed a sack of pine wood shavings and an oversize trash bag from the run- in, the wide shovel and my gloves. After bagging up all the old shavings, wet from water and hen droppings, I began to shake new bedding onto the floor. Before I […]
The Seat of Governance
By admin in Spiritual Practice Tags: healing, Prayer
Oct.5, 2011 Prayer is powerful. Those who know this from personal experience use prayer for seeking guidance from G-d about their own lives, for healing themselves and others. One can use prayer to praise G-d for the miracle of life itself and the things we have to be grateful for. Many people like myself, pray […]
Today the Foxes Came
By admin in Uncategorized
Watching from the kitchen window, we observed three healthy fox run around the perimeter of the hen house, playing with each other as if no one was watching. One ran south while another ran north. One simply plopped down on the grass about 20 feet from the hen’s yard. They were healthy fox which is […]
Richard Syrett, NewsTalk CFRB
By admin in Zoh in the Media
Print Coverage
By admin in Zoh in the Media
Spiritus Magazine interviews Zohara on Mediumship. Spring 2012 Baltimore Jewish Times reviews Zohara Hieronimus’ Kabbalistic Teachings of The Female Prophets, The Seven Holy Women of Ancient Israel Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings Volume 2: Riddles in Stone – The Secret Architecture of Washington D.C. (2007) Film/Documentary Credit Baltimore Jewish Times featuring Zohara and her book […]
Zohara on Rhett Palmer Live, Mornings 1370AM
By admin in Zoh in the Media
Zohara on Nancy Lee Lights On
By admin in Zoh in the Media
Zohara on the Marc Steiner Show
By admin in Zoh in the Media
Zohara on The Michael Dresser Show
By admin in Zoh in the Media
Zohara on Rogue Radio – Charlie Silvestri
By admin in Zoh in the Media